BaySqueeze Project
Start 01/07/2017.
End 30/06/2022.
The name “BAYSQUEEZE” was the acronym chosen for the scientific project entitled: “Subida do nível do mar e a Baía da Babitonga: uma abordagem eco-morfodinâmica para prever e mitigar impactos”. This project was funded by the public call: CNPq MCTIC/CNPq – N° 21/2017 – Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Ações Integradas e Sustentáveis nas Baías do Brasil, Linha de Pesquisa 2 – Outras Baías do Brasil; Process No. 441545/2017-3.
The Bay Squeeze project is investigating the evolution (past, present and future) of the geomorphology, sedimentary structure, geophysics and ecology (mangrove area) of the Babitonga-SC bay, in view of the increasing human pressure in the region (e.g. Joinville’s population growth, or increase of the port infrastructure) and the rising mean sea level.
Mitigation measures will be studied using a “building with nature” approach that aim to protect human occupation of the bay and to preserve and improve the health of one of the most important elements of this ecosystem – the mangroves.
This proposal will be applied to Babitonga Bay, SC, but the methodology developed can be applied to any other bay or estuary in Brazil, or anywhere else in the world.
Financial Support
CNPq MCTIC/CNPq – N° 21/2017 – Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Ações Integradas e Sustentáveis nas Baías do Brasil, Linha de Pesquisa 2 – Outras Baías do Brasil; Process No. 441545/2017-3.
Institutional Support